Available fabrics
White ICE
Flex 3D
Housing color 


Format Rozmiar powierzchni aktywnej
  Szerokość [cm] / A Wysokość [cm] / B
inny, według projektu Klienta
16:9 300 169
16:9 350 197
16:9 400 225
16:9 450 253
16:9 500 281
16:9 550 309
16:9 600 338
16:9 650 366
16:9 700 394
16:9 750 422
2.35:1 300 128
2.35:1 350 149
2.35:1 400 170
2.35:1 450 191
2.35:1 500 213
2.35:1 550 234
2.35:1 600 255
2.35:1 650 277
2.35:1 700 298
2.35:1 750 319


Product Data Sheet


Product images


Frame 1,5 - 7,5m

Screen Frames Series have a perfectly tensioned projection surface, stretched on a stylish aluminium frame. This series will satisfy even the most demanding users, they are perfect for home theatres or lecture halls.
Aluminium caseFlat surfaceMatt velvet frame2 years warranty

Aluminium case

Perfectly flat surface

Matt velvet frame

2 years warranty

Frame 1,5 - 7,5m

Frame LED Active

Surface: 1,5 - 2,8m

Frame LED Active

Frame Lite Velvet

Surface: 1,5 - 2,65m

Frame Lite Velvet

Frame Lite Velvet

Surface: 1,5 - 5,4m

Frame Lite Velvet

Frame Frameless

Surface: 1,5 - 7m

Frame Frameless

Frame Velvet

Surface: 1,5 - 4m

Frame Velvet


Surface: 1,5 - 4m


Frame Sferic Velvet

Surface: 1,5 - 4m

Frame Sferic Velvet

Frame Sferic

Surface: 1,5 - 4m

Frame Sferic

Frame Large Velvet

Surface: 3 - 7,5m

Frame Large Velvet

Frame Large

Surface: 3 - 7,5m

Frame Large